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Career Advice Helpline

A dedicated team of career development practitioners assists the public with career related information, advice and guidance. It further facilitates informed career decision-making and subject choice. Learners are further encouraged through the Helpline to apply for post-school education and training opportunities on time. The Helpline also communicates and promotes key career development messages such as lifelong learning, personal responsibility and career construction.

The service is offered through a multi-channel system which includes:

Telephone: 086 999 0123
Please call me / sms: 072 204 5056
Fax: 012 323 1138
Email: careerhelp@dhet.gov.za
Facebook: www.facebook.com/careerhelp
Walk-in service: 123 Francis Baard, Pretoria, 0002

The Helpline further offers advice and support to other career development practitioners such as teachers, librarians and student support staff at institutions of learning.

Get in touch today:

086 999 0123
072 204 5056
National Khetha Walk-in,
123 Francis Baard Street,

Our Partners

To become our partner, a formal agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement or Implementation Protocol with DHET Career Development Services is required. For more information click here.